Guild Library Books
Instructions on how to use the online library:
Click here to go to our online library site: http://www.libib.com/u/chwkquiltguild
- Click on the above link, it will take you directly to the library on another web page.
- Images of the books appear with a small icon
- Hover over the icon and it states "read reviews”.
- Click on this icon and it takes you to a written description of the book. At the beginning of each description there is a "B" followed by a number -.the number of the book in the actual library.
- If you see something you would like to borrow, write down the name and number and bring to the next meeting and search the shelves for the book.
Click here for a pdf file updated 21Feb2018:
The Guild has an extensive collection of books and magazines. These are available to members in good standing; they can be kept for one month.
These books can be signed out by members at the monthly guild meetings.
Our library borrowing policy:
- Books are borrowed for 1 month. All materials are due back at the next Guild meeting. If you are unable to return them, please try to get a friend to bring them back for you.
- Please let us know if any books are damaged or out-dated so they can be repaired or discarded.
- Enjoy & be sure to share any of the quilts, or items you have made using our library materials.