Chilliwack Quilters' Guild

Founded 1985

About Us: Guild Bylaws

Chilliwack Quilters' Guild Bylaws 

Approved May 15 2018

1.0 Interpretation

     1.1 In these bylaws, unless the context otherwise requires:
            "directors" means the directors of the society for the time being;
           "Society Act " means the Society Act of British Columbia from time to time in force and all amendments to it;
           "registered address" of a member means the member's address asrecorded in the register of members.
    1.2 The definitions in the Society Act on the date these bylaws become effective
apply to these bylaws.
    1.3 Words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa, and words
importing a male person include a female person and a corporation.

2.0 Membership
   2.1 Each member is entitled to, and the society must give the member without
charge, a copy of the Constitution and Bylaws upon joining the guild.
   2.2 These bylaws must not be altered or added to except by special resolution.
   2.3 Any amendment to the bylaws must be submitted to the BC Registry of
   2.4 Dues are payable in September and will be set by membership vote every
  2.5 Membership ceases on non-payment of dues by November 1 of the current
   2.6 Only members in good standing only are eligible to vote.
   2.7 Persons not belonging to the Guild may only attend only one meeting
annually as a guest.
   2.8 Every member must uphold the Constitution and comply with these bylaws.
   2.9 Meetings shall be held once per month from September to June.

3.0 Annual General Meeting
   3.1 The annual general meeting shall be held in May of each year and elections
of the Directors will take place at this meeting.
   3.2 This meeting will be held in Chilliwack, BC.
   3.3 Notice of the Annual General Meeting must be given to every member either
personally or via electronic means 30 days prior to the meeting. The notice
must include the date, time and place and the general nature of that meeting

    3.4 The Annual General Meeting agenda includes the following:

         the annual financial statement for the year ending on April 30th.

         the budget for the coming year

      the report of the Directors, members of the Executive Committee and
Standing Committees.

    the election of Directors. The privilege of holding office will be limited
to members in good standing.
   resolutions to be voted on (e.g. Bylaw changes/additions)
    3.5 A quorum of 10% of the membership is required to hold the meeting. If
within 30 minutes from the time appointed for a general meeting a quorum is
not present, the members present constitute a quorum.
     3.6 A resolution proposed at the meeting does not need to be seconded. Voting
is by show of hands and voting by proxy is not permitted. In the case of a tie
vote the chair does not have a casting or second vote and the proposed
resolution does not pass.
   3.7 The Annual Report required by the BC Registries, which names the new
directors, is filed electronically.

4.0 Special or Extraordinary General Meetings
   4.1 May be held using the same procedures as for an Annual General Meeting
with 30 days’ written notice given to members prior to the meeting.

5.0 Directors and Officers
   5.1 The Directors shall consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary,
Treasurer, and Program Chairperson.
  5.2 The Directors are elected positions and have a 2-year term with option for reelection
for a second term and may serve for two consecutive terms only.
   5.3 The Executive Committee includes the President, Vice-President, Secretary,
Treasurer, Program Chairperson, Past President and the Chairpersons of the
Standing Committees.
   5.4 Standing Committees will be formed as required by the Guild. These are
non-elected positions and shall be held for a minimum of one year and may
be extended at the discretion of the Directors.
   5.5 The nominating committee (appointed prior to elections) shall consist
of three members whose duty it is to ask members to stand for an elected
   5.6 The directors must retire from office at each general meeting when their
successors are elected.
   5.7 Separate elections must be held for each office to be filled.
   5.8 An election may be by acclamation, otherwise it must be by ballot.
   5.9 If a successor is not elected, the person previously elected or appointed
continues to hold office if they so wish.
   5.10 The directors may at any time appoint a member as a director to fill a
vacancy in the directors. A director so-appointed holds office only until the
conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the society but is eligible for
re-election at the AGM.
   5.11 The directors may exercise all the powers and do all the acts and things that
the society may exercise to uphold
 All laws affecting the society
 These bylaws
 Rules, not being inconsistent with these bylaws that are made from
time to time in a general meeting. A rule, made by the society on a
general meeting, does not invalidate a prior act of the directors that
would have been valid if the rule had not been made.

6.0 Duties of Officers
   6.1 The President presides at all meetings of the society and of the directors.
The president is the chief executive officer of the society and must supervise
the other officers in the execution of their duties.
   6.2 The Vice-President will carry out the duties of the president during the
president’s absence.
   6.3 The Secretary keeps minutes of all meetings of the society and directors and
has custody of all records and documents of the society except those
required to be kept by the treasurer. The secretary also keeps a copy of the
register of members.
   6.4 The Treasurer must keep the financial records, including records of account
necessary to comply with the Society Act and provide financial statements to
the directors, members and others when required.
   6.5 The Program Chairperson is responsible for organizing programs that
promote the goals and purposes of the society as stated in the Constitution.

7.0 Finance
   7.1 The Society shall have no borrowing powers.

8.0 Bylaws
   8.1 By-laws may be rescinded, altered or amended by a special resolution, at an
annual or special general meeting. A majority of three quarters of the
members present is required to pass. Written notice must be sent to theChilliwack Quilters' Guild Bylaws
membership 30 days prior to the meeting providing an agenda and defining
each proposed resolution to be voted on.

9.0 Dissolution
   9.1 In the event of the dissolution of the Guild, all liabilities shall be paid, satisfied
and discharged, or adequate provisions made therefore. Any remaining
funds as are in the treasury at the time shall be given to a non-profit
organization as determined by the majority of the remaining members.